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RE: st: RE: nonparametric tests for variance

From   "FEIVESON, ALAN H. (AL) (JSC-SK) (NASA)" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: nonparametric tests for variance
Date   Thu, 3 Feb 2005 12:49:01 -0600

..except that the mean-adjusted observations are not independent, and are
unlikely to be normally distributed. However you could try something like
xtgee with a gamma family for such derived data.

Al Feiveson

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Marcello
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 11:26 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: nonparametric tests for variance

Is the obvious too simplistic?:
remove the means--now you have a mean zero variable.
Square it. 
Now check the mean(s) of the squared variable.


Hyun Yoon wrote:

>Hi Nick,
>Thank you very much for the response.  I'll look at
>the Miller citation.
>Regarding your query, here's a brief context to my
>problem.  I am trying to measure the effect of a legal
>rule allowing pre-trial offers.  I look at a period of
>1990-2000, where Nevada changed its law in 1995, and
>the neighboring states did not.  Using a
>differences-in-differences approach, 
>AWARDS = a + b(Nev) + c(post1995) + d(Nev)(post1995) +
>f(control variables) + e
>I get a small and statistically non-significant change
>in damage awards.
>I would like to know whether there was a statistically
>significant change in the variance in AWARDS.  In
>other words, did the rule reduce the variance in
>payouts, even if it did not change the mean.
>Thus, I am trying to do a diff-in-diff where I look at
>variance, not mean, of AWARDS.
>Have you ever confronted this problem?
>--- Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>I don't know what underlies this, 
>>a scientific question or a worry 
>>about assumptions for some other 
>>Either way, have a look at Rupert 
>>G. Miller's "Beyond ANOVA". It may 
>>answer your question directly or 
>>indirectly. The reference is 
>>at [R] diagnostic plots. 
>>[email protected] 
>>Hyun Yoon
>>>Following up on my earlier query, has anyone come
>>>across a way to do a nonparametric test for
>>>Thanks to Scott, I am aware that Stata can do this
>>>when testing for signficiance the difference in
>>>variance between two groups (e.g., Group A and
>>>B), using sdtest or robvar.  
>>>But my question is slightly more complicated: I
>>>like to test whether the difference in variance
>>>between two sets of groups (Group A1 and B1; Group
>>>and B2) is significant.   
>>>I posed this question to Statatech directly, and
>>>were unaware of any way to do this nonparametric
>>>on Stata.  
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