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st: The Current Population Survey

From   Voraprapa Nakavachara <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: The Current Population Survey
Date   Sun, 30 Jan 2005 21:46:32 -0800

Dear Statalist,
I wonder if there is anyone working on the CPS data.
Maybe, you could please give me some tips here.
I would like to calculate the employment/labor force ratio
for each state during some period of time.
Let's say I have the (NBER's) MORG file for each year
1980 - 1990 (11 seperate files, 1 file for one year).
I think can calculate the employment/labor force ratio for each
year (for each state) in each file by counting the number of employed
people divided by the number of people in labor force (by state).
But how can I put the numbers together in another file?
I mean I want to generate a file that has the data like this:
State  Year  Emp/Labor
CA     1980   xxxx
CA     1981   xxxx
....      ....     .....
How can I do it? Could you please give me some suggestions?
Thank you very much.

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