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st: RE: ttest vs. lincom

From   "Yulia Marchenko" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: ttest vs. lincom
Date   Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:20:18 -0600

on Tuesday,  David wrote:

>Hi all,
>When I use ttest to test pre- vs. post-treatment means, I get one value
>for t. When I use lincom with the respondent_id as the psu, I get a
>value. Is the ttest command preferred, and if so, what is the difference in
>the two tests?

David is correct: one can obtain the same test statistic from -ttest-
and -lincom- following -svymean- (with option psu() specified in -svyset-).
Here is an example:

	set seed 1234
	mat R=(1,0.5\0.5,1)
	mat m=(0,10)
	drawnorm sample1 sample2, n(10) corr(R) m(m)
	ttest sample2=sample1
		gen id=_n
		reshape long sample, i(id) j(treat)
		svyset, psu(id)
		svymean sample, by(treat)
	lincom [sample]2-[sample]1

Paired t test

Variable |     Obs        Mean    Std. Err.   Std. Dev.   [95% Conf.
 sample2 |      10    9.690428    .2697006    .8528683    9.080322
 sample1 |      10   -.1699037    .2851546    .9017379   -.8149681
    diff |      10    9.860331    .3122881    .9875418    9.153886

                Ho: mean(sample2 - sample1) = mean(diff) = 0

  Ha: mean(diff) < 0         Ha: mean(diff) != 0        Ha: mean(diff) > 0
       t =  31.5745                t =  31.5745              t =  31.5745
   P < t =   1.0000          P > |t| =   0.0000          P > t =   0.0000

.         qui{

.         lincom [sample]2-[sample]1

 ( 1) - [sample]1 + [sample]2 = 0

        Mean |   Estimate   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
         (1) |   9.860331   .3122881    31.57   0.000     9.153886

One reason that David did not get the same results is that he did an
unpaired -ttest-. He needs to use -reshape- in order to  be able to run a
paired -ttest-.

We can look at this situation from another point of view, in terms
f  -regress-:

	set seed 1234
	mat R=(1,0.5\0.5,1)
	mat m=(0,10)
	drawnorm sample1 sample2, n(10) corr(R) m(m)
	ttest sample2=sample1
		gen id=_n
		reshape long sample, i(id) j(treat)
	xi: regress sample i.treat, cluster(id)
	di in green "Mean for sample1: " in yellow _b[_cons]
	di in green "Mean for sample2: " in yellow _b[_Itreat_2]+_b[_cons]
	di in green "SE(_Itreat_2) w/o adj: " /*
			*/in yellow _se[_Itreat_2]*sqrt((20-2)/(20-1))

Paired t test

Variable |     Obs        Mean    Std. Err.   Std. Dev.   [95% Conf.
 sample2 |      10    9.690428    .2697006    .8528683    9.080322
 sample1 |      10   -.1699037    .2851546    .9017379   -.8149681
    diff |      10    9.860331    .3122881    .9875418    9.153886

                Ho: mean(sample2 - sample1) = mean(diff) = 0

  Ha: mean(diff) < 0         Ha: mean(diff) != 0        Ha: mean(diff) > 0
       t =  31.5745                t =  31.5745              t =  31.5745
   P < t =   1.0000          P > |t| =   0.0000          P > t =   0.0000

. qui{

.         xi: regress sample i.treat, cluster(id)
i.treat           _Itreat_1-2         (naturally coded; _Itreat_1 omitted)

Regression with robust standard errors                 Number of obs =
                                                       F(  1,     9) =
                                                       Prob > F      =
                                                       R-squared     =
Number of clusters (id) = 10                           Root MSE      =

             |               Robust
      sample |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
   _Itreat_2 |   9.860331   .3208456    30.73   0.000     9.134528
       _cons |  -.1699037   .2929685    -0.58   0.576    -.8326443

. di in green "Mean for sample1: " in yellow _b[_cons]
Mean for sample1: -.16990366

. di in green "Mean for sample2: " in yellow _b[_Itreat_2]+_b[_cons]
Mean for sample2: 9.6904276

.di in green "SE(_Itreat_2) w/o adj: " /*
		 */in yellow _se[_Itreat_2]*sqrt((20-2)/(20-1))
SE(_Itreat_2) w/o adj: .31228815

The point estimates of means are the same but we have different estimates of
standard errors. The difference is due to the multiplier sqrt((N-1)/(N-k))
used in -regress-. By adjusting SE for the coefficient of _Itreat_2 we will
get the same t-statistic as the paired ttest.

Note also that instead of using -svymean- and -lincom- combination one can
simply use

	xi: svyregress sample i.treat

and will get the same test statistic as the paired -ttest-.

[email protected]

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