From | Roger Newson <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: quotation marks in do files |
Date | Wed, 26 Jan 2005 20:44:33 +0000 |
At 19:51 26/01/2005, Malgosia Madajewicz wrote:
Hi all,As a Microsoft Word 2000 user (strictly for reasons of compatability with other Microsoft Word 2000 users), I cannot comment on what Microsoft Word 2003 might or might not do to quotation marks. However, if Malgosia Madajewicz is having problems as a result of this, then that might be a good reason for using a tool other than Microsoft Word to write Stata do-files. The Stata do-file editor is a possible basic option, and should be available with Stata 7. However, for the longer run, even better editors (mostly either cheap or free) are available from other sources, who make editors as a speciality. To find more about these, refer to Web page "Some notes on text editors for Stata users" at
In my do files, I use quotation marks around the directory in which the log and data files reside, because my folder names consist of more than one word. I write the do file in MS Word (2003) and save it as a plain text file. I have the following problem. Stata 7 does not recognize the quotation marks. It puts a question mark in their place and then gives the error message that the second word in a mutilple-word folder name is invalid. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
For a while my solution was to use MS DOS encoding, but as of today this does not solve the problem any more for some reason.
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