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Re: st: Re: quotation marks in do files

From   Chris Ruebeck <>
Subject   Re: st: Re: quotation marks in do files
Date   Wed, 26 Jan 2005 15:28:49 -0500

The problem is probably that Word likes to replace "straight quotes" with "smart quotes". This can be turned off in preferences. Although the fact that you save the file as plain text would seem to contradict my guess.

Better not to use a word processor.


On Jan 26, 2005, at 3:10 PM, Friedrich Huebler wrote:

You would be better off with a dedicated text editor. Some options
are described in this document:

The document also contains the advice "Don't use a word processor to
edit text files."

Friedrich Huebler

--- Malgosia Madajewicz <> wrote:
In my do files, I use quotation marks around the directory in which
the log and data files reside, because my folder names consist of more than
one word. I write the do file in MS Word (2003) and save it as a plain
text file. I have the following problem. Stata 7 does not recognize the
quotation marks. It puts a question mark in their place and then
gives the error message that the second word in a mutilple-word folder name
is invalid. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
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