Thank you for your suggestion to change a linestyle. Your message
gave me the idea to create my own linestyle for the background. I
looked at a message from Vince Wiggins from last year in which he
describes how to create a new colorstyle.
I followed the instructions by Vince and created a file called
linestyle-backgroundframe.style, which contains the following lines:
set width vthick
set color red
set pattern solid
The new style file is placed in my personal ado directory. The scheme
looks like this:
#include s2color
linestyle background backgroundframe
With this scheme all graphs are drawn with a red frame.
Interestingly, it is not possible to name the style
linestyle-p16.style, which I had done initially, because it leads to
an error message.
. scatter mpg weight
(note: named style p16 not found in class linestyle, default
attributes used
Thanks again for your help.
--- David Harrison <David@icnarc.org> wrote:
> Interesting... seems you are right, I can't set any options for
> background directly. I suggest making the changes to a style you
> are not likely to use (so not foreground!) and then applying the
> linestyle, e.g.
> #include s2color
> color p15line red
> linewidth p15 vthick
> linepattern p15 solid
> linestyle background p15
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friedrich Huebler [mailto:huebler@rocketmail.com]
> Thank you, with -linestyle background foreground- I get a frame
> around all graphs. Is it possible to control the color and
> thickness of the frame with the scheme? The linewidth, linecolor
> and linepattern entries in my scheme are ignored by Stata.
> #include s2color
> linestyle background foreground
> linewidth background vthick
> linecolor background red
> linepattern background solid
> I don't really want a thick red frame, this is only an example.
> Friedrich Huebler
> --- David Harrison <David@icnarc.org> wrote:
> > The graphregion is referred to as "background" in scheme files,
> so
> > try...
> >
> > #include s2color
> > linestyle background foreground
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Friedrich Huebler [mailto:huebler@rocketmail.com]
> >
> > I would like to create a scheme that draws all graphs with a
> > black frame. That way I would not have to include the option
> > -graphregion(lcolor(black) lwidth(thin))- with every graph. The
> > documentation of scheme files does not mention graph region
> > settings.
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