I've been successfully been generating some very good, but simple, -twoway
line- graphs by using this long command (to use a not entirely meaningful,
but accessible, toy-data example):
. webuse census
. g lpop=ln(pop)
. g ldeath=ln(death)
. g ldivorce=ln(divorce)
. label var death "Natural log of the death rate"
. label var divorce "Natural log of the population rate"
. twoway (line ldeath lpop) (line logdivorce lpop), xtitle("") ///
ylabel(6(1)13, angle(0)) xlabel(11(1)17) legend(cols(1) stack) ///
scheme(s2mono) by(region)
But I find that, even though the option is not specified above, -twoway,
by()- produces a subtitle at the bottom of the graph, but I don't need
them for the graphs I'm generating. I've checked the help files
(specifically, -whelp title_options-) and Mitchell's (2004: 154; 281-4;
314) book for guidance. But although they all mention how to _use_ the
-subtitle()- option, I could find nothing in these sources that tell you
how to switch it off: even if I type -subtitle("")-, I'm stuck with
subtitles I don't want.
Is there a solution to this? Thanks in anticipation.
CLIVE NICHOLAS |t: 0(044)7903 397793
Politics |e: [email protected]
Newcastle University |
Mitchell M (2004) A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, College Station: Stata
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