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RE: st: RE: Suppress certain output in dstdize

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   RE: st: RE: Suppress certain output in dstdize
Date   Fri, 21 Jan 2005 16:57:47 -0000

If you are talking about Scott's 
example, you presumably didn't type the code
exactly as printed. For example, 
the primes indicating transposes
are crucial. 


David Hanna
> Thanks for the advice.  However, I tried this and I get the following
> error when I run the first matrix command:
> conformability error
> r(503);
Scott Merryman
> This will reprint the summary information following -dstdize-:
> .  use 
> (1962 Mortality, Sweden & Panama)
> .  qui dstdize death pop age, by(nat)
> .  matrix C = r(Nobs)' , r(crude)' , r(adj)', r(lb)' , r(ub)'
> .  matrix rowname C = `r(c1)'  `r(c2)'
> .  matrix list C
> C[2,5]
>              Nobs      Crude   Adjusted       Left      Right
> Panama    1075000  .00723814  .01096867  .01068377  .01125356
> Sweden    7496000  .00981257   .0091078  .00904313  .00917247
> You could graph these results in Stata.

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