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Re: st: estimating data for a given correlation coefficient

From   Nicola Orsini <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: estimating data for a given correlation coefficient
Date   Thu, 20 Jan 2005 16:10:11 +0100

Hi Donald,

it should be something here

Something like this (copy and paste in a do-file)

program define lcs
  version 7
  args corr n

 tempvar y x z w yhat

  quietly {
    set obs `n'
    generate `y' = invnorm(uniform())*4.4 + 55
    generate `z' = invnorm(uniform())*4.4 + 55
    generate `x' = sqrt(1 - (`corr' )^2)*`z' + `corr' *`y'
    egen `w'= std(`x')
    replace `x' = `w'*4.4 + 55
    regress `y' `x'
    predict `yhat'
    label var `y' "Y"
    label var `x' "X"


local corr = string(`corr' , "%4.2f")

graph7 `y' `yhat' `x', s(oi) c(.l) /*
*/ ylabel(40 45 to 70) xlabel(40 45 to 70) /*
*/ t1("Pearson Correlation  r = `corr'  Observations = `n'") sort

// if you want to save the variables y and x
* gen y = `y'
* gen x = `x'


* For example to create y and x correlated with r = 0.80 with n = 200

lcs 0.80 200

* To see what happens when r ranges from -1 to 1

forvalues r = -1(.1)1 {
lcs `r' 200
sleep 100
// saves variables, dataset and do whatever

Hope it helps

Donald Spady wrote:
Dear all
I want to create some datasets of, say 200 observations, with defined correlations. How do I go about doing it. I could not find anything in Stata FAQ or the manuals. Is it possible to do this within Stata.
Many thanks.

Don Spady

Donald Spady MD, MSc

Department of Pediatrics & Public Health Sciences
2C3.92 WMC, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2R7


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