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st: RE: Top 3 responses to a Q - breaking ties

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Top 3 responses to a Q - breaking ties
Date   Mon, 17 Jan 2005 02:23:02 -0000

I am not clear whether you have learned 
Stata programming or just intend to, 
but the advice is the same: 

In a word, -reshape-. 

Doing it across rows is tricky even for Stata users 
with some programming experience. -reshape- 
and exploiting the power of -by:- is 
the way to go. Anything else is the equivalent 
of climbing the Eiger North Face in winter, 
feet first, when you could go round by the 

[email protected] 

Farooq Naseer
> I got some useful hints on my last posting of this question (detailed
> problem description attached below) but since at that time i hadn't
> learned programming, I just manually entered the top 3 concerns after
> generating village-level counts using -mrtab-.
> The trouble is that the data has changed since then, finally
> convincing me to learn Stata programming! However, having experience
> with the C++ way of doing things i find it hard to grasp how one could
> do this without using arrays.
> The problem essentially is that I have three lists of count data
> (corresponding to the values taken by 3 sets of variables - c1-c6,
> d1-d6, e1-e6). For each observation in the data, I want to sort c1-c6
> according to size and pick three variables with the highest count. I
> need to refer to the values stored in d1-d6 (and to e1-e6, if needed)
> _only_ if i need to break any ties in the ranking of c1-c6.
> So, for instance, if the values taken by the variables (generated by
> -mrtab-) are as follows:
> Obs #    c1  c2  c3  c4  c5  c6  d1  d2  d3  d4  d5  d6  e1  
> e2  e3  e4  e5  e6
> 21.         1    0    6    2    3    3   0    0    2    1   2    2   
> 0   0    1    0    0    1
> So in this case we see that based on c1-c6 we can sort (3, 5, 6, ...)
> but we need to break the tie between option 5 and 6 since both are
> three. We then look at d5 and d6, but they are also tied both with
> value 2. So then we look at e5 and e6, and choose 6 as the second
> highest ranked option as compared to 5 (in case we can't even break
> the tie in the e-list; I just assign ranks randomly). Note that the
> variables were generated in such a way that, for all n, c1>=d1>=e1.
> So for observation 21, the top 3 concerns based on the above 
> data would 3, 6, 5.
> I am clueless on how to do this in Stata. 
> Any help, general comments or specific suggestions, will be 
> much appreciated!
> farooq
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Farooq Naseer <[email protected]>
> Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 00:55:17 -0500
> Subject: Finding 3 most popular responses to a question
> To: [email protected]
> Dear all,
> A randomly selected group of people within some survey 
> villages were given the
> option to pick their top three every-day concerns: Of the six coded
> options available, a respondent could pick, say, (4,4,2) and another
> one in the same village could pick (1,6,5). (Duplicates like 4,4,..
> occur due to the fact that the responses were post-coded into six
> broad categories to make analysis simpler).
> Now i want to get a measure for the community's top three priorities
> by aggregating the information contained in the above individual
> responses.
> I have the above info in a stata dataset as variables:
> concern1-concern3. To avoid complications re. appropriate weighing
> scheme, for the time being, I just want to take an unweighted count of
> the values in these 3 variables for each village -- the variable VID
> -- in my sample. In case there is a tie, for instance a village 'j'
> has 20 responses each for values 4 and 6, I want to pick the value
> which gets mentioned more in a higher-priority variable acc. to the
> following priority ranking: concern1 > concern2 > concern3.
> <snip>...

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