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Re: st: Question : inteff tobit

From   May Boggess <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Question : inteff tobit
Date   14 Jan 2005 16:17:29 -0600

On Friday, Etienne asked how to compute an interaction effect after

In principle, this is not difficult to do. It can get tricky though
if you have large numbers of variables as the expressions involved
get rather long. But I will do a small example to show Etienne
the idea of what needs to be done.

We begin by making sure we know what the predict formulas are after
-tobit-. I will use only pr() for the purposes of this example:

 sysuse auto 
 tobit mpg len, ll(20)
 predict xb,xb
 predict p, pr(20,.)     /*  Probability Uncensored */

 gen myp = norm(-((20-xb)/_b[_se])) 
 sum p myp
The marginal effects are the derivatives of p with respect to the
independent variables. If the model contains interactions,
the there will be second derivatives which are non-zero, and these
are called interaction effects.

Before we get to the second derivatives, let's makes sure we know how
to get the first derivatives. I differentiate in the normal way (ie.
using calculus, applying the chain rule) and then let -nlcom- work out
the standard error for me. Since this is what -mfx- does, I can
compare my answer to that from -mfx-:

 sysuse auto 
 tobit mpg len, ll(20)
 sum len
 local meanlen=r(mean)
 nlcom normden(-((20-(_b[len]*`meanlen'+_b[_cons]))/_b[_se]))
 mfx, predict(pr(20,.))

I evaluated the derivative at the mean of length, sicne that is the
default for -mfx-.

The variable length was a continuous variable. If I had used a
dichotomous 0/1 variable, I would not have needed calculus:
I would have subtracted the probability at for=0 from that at for=1.

For an example of calculating the second derivative,  I will 
interact a continuous variable with a dichotomous variable:

 sysuse auto 
 gen X=for*len
 tobit mpg len for X, ll(20)

 sum len
 local meanlen: di %5.2f r(mean)
 local xb1 "_b[len]*`meanlen'+_b[for]*1+_b[X]*`meanlen'*1+_b[_cons]"
 local xb0 "_b[len]*`meanlen'+_b[for]*0+_b[X]*`meanlen'*0+_b[_cons]"

 nlcom normden(-((20-(`xb1'))/_b[_se]))
*(_b[len]/_b[_se])-normden(-((20-(`xb0'))/_b[_se])) *(_b[len]/_b[_se])

In this example I first took the derivative of norm(-((20-xb)/_b[_se]))
with respect to the continuous variable len to obtain  
normden(-((20-(xb))/_b[_se]))*(_b[len]/_b[_se]). I then evaluated it
at for=0 and substracted that from it evaluated at for=1, that is, I
took the discrete difference. 

The expression I pass to -nlcom- depends on whether or not I have
a continuous-dichotomous, dichotomous-dichotomous or
continuous-continuous interaction.  

-- May
 [email protected]

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