this happens as you work with the clipboard. I had the problem before. There are two ways that I know:
a) Try saving the graph as a tiff file and embed this file into your document. If you do this from the graph window you should resize the graph by dragging the graph window as large as possible since stata uses the graph window dimensions to determine the size of the graphics in the file, e.g. if your graph window is the size of 640 x 480 pixels on your monitor, the graph saved to the tiff file will have these dimensions. At the same time the saved graph has a resolution of 96dpi. If you now take this graph and put it into a word document and finally print it out you most probably will not be satisfied with the result. To receive a good printing result your graph should at least have the size of (inches on the printed page) * 300 = width or height in pixels.
b) the alternative and probably more elegant solution: copy the graph (right click of mouse over the graph window) and then start a pixel-oriented imaging program (like JASC Paint Shop Pro) and choose the "Paste as new Image..." in Paint Shop Pro a window will pop-up which reads something like "Meta-Image import" in its title bar. There you can enter the desired height & width of your image again keep in mind that for every inch of size the image shall have on your printout you should have at least 300 pixels.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you right now how this works with Adobe Photoshop since I just do not have it here.
Anyway, I hope this helps,
> -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:
> [] Im Auftrag von
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2005 20:57
> An:
> Betreff: st: can't print -tmap- output
> I'm generating US maps using -tmap- (thanks Maurizio Pisati)
> along with usmap.dta and fips.dta (via -ssc desc usmaps- ;
> thanks Scott Merryman).
> When I copy and paste a map so produced from Stata into
> Microsoft Word it looks great (aside from the legend which is
> way too small--a minor quibble for the moment). However,
> when I print it, it is one big black blob, hiding all the
> variation by state. I've tried many different ways of
> pasting it into Microsoft Word and all look good on the
> screen and only one (JPEG) can print okay (though the JPEG
> image is fuzzy). Has anyone figured out how to do this in a
> more satisfying way?
> ________________________________
> Austin Frakt
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