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Re: st: bootstrap weighted mean

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: bootstrap weighted mean
Date   Wed, 12 Jan 2005 01:05:40 -0000 (GMT)

Scott Merryman wrote:

> I know that Stata's -bootstrap- command will not calculate a bootstrap
> weighted mean:
> . bootstrap "sum loss_ratio [aw= premium]" r(mean), rep(100)
> weights not allowed
> However, is it possible to get around this by making repeated calls to
> -bsample-?
> Will the following -simulate- program work or is it committing a sin and
> only
> returning garbage?
> program bst_mean, rclass
> 	syntax varlist ,[ weight(string)]
> 	preserve
> 	bsample
> 	sum `varlist'  [`weight']
>         return scalar mean = r(mean)
> 	restore
> end

I ran this code successfully.

> simulate "bst_mean loss_ratio, weight(aw =premium)" mean= r(mean),
> rep(100)

Using survey data that I accessed from the 1999 European Election Study
(available on request), I ran your -simulate- command in order to
bootstrap the weighted-mean proportions of Catholic respondents in the
United Kingdom sample of the 1999 EES (N=977). In total, 128 of the UK
respondents declared themselves as Catholic.

. sum catholic

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    catholic |       977    .1310133    .3375877          0          1

. simulate "bst_mean catholic, weight(aw=weight)" mean= r(mean), rep(100)

command:      bst_mean catholic , weight(aw=weight)
statistic:    mean       = r(mean)

. sum mean

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        mean |       100    .1317976    .0121484   .1043396   .1758897

It looks as if your code hits the target: I obtain a bootstrapped
weighted- mean estimated proportion of declared Catholics in the survey of
13.18%. Compared to the survey estimate of 13.10% (95% CI: 10.80% and
15.56%), this is hard to quibble with. Generating 1000 replications, I

. sum mean

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        mean |      1000    .1333621     .011228   .0922785   .1683495

or, an estimated 13.34% of declared Catholics in the sample (95% CI:
11.14% and 15.54%).

It would be even better if -pweight-s could be included in this, but I
accept that this may be computationally difficult.

I hope this helps.

CLIVE NICHOLAS        |t: 0(044)7903 397793
Politics              |e: [email protected]
Newcastle University  |

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