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Re: st: odbc - load MS access queries + import access labels

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: odbc - load MS access queries + import access labels
Date   Mon, 10 Jan 2005 23:25:15 +0900

Daniel Mueller wrote:

1. Is it possible to load queries done in MS access into Stata? I am able to
read in all the tables using -odbc-, but can't see the MS access queries
after -odbc query-. 

And I wrote:

For your purposes I believe that you can think of your Access "query" as 
equivalent to an SQL view.  In that case, you can first issue the SQL statement 

CREATE VIEW from Stata via -odbc exec- with your Access query as the argument, 
and then go through the view you just created and load the result table into 
Stata via -odbc load- in the usual manner.


Come to think of it, what I suggested might be redundant:  if you've already 
created your query in Access and saved it, giving it a name, then you've 
essentially already done the CREATE VIEW step.  In that case, I believe you 
should be able to load the Access query's result table via -odbc load, table()- 
in the usual manner, i.e., using the query's name as the table name.

And if you've saved the query in Access already, and you try to create a view 
via CREATE VIEW with the same name as your Access query's name, you might get 
an error message indicating that that name has already been taken by another 
object (table or query) in the database.

Joseph Coveney

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