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Re: st: Stata and memory use under linux (Off topic)

From   "Guillaume Frechette" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata and memory use under linux (Off topic)
Date   Sun, 09 Jan 2005 00:41:38 +0000

From: [email protected] (Alan Riley)

Guillaume Frechette ([email protected]) wrote
> Thanks to all that answered. For Tom's information, my set mem is as big as
> I could make it (I can't remember the exact number) and I have 1 gig of ram.
> I guess I just have to wait or buy a faster cpu...

A quick note on this topic: It is not recommended to -set mem- in Stata
as big as you can make it if you do not need that much memory. Giving
more memory to Stata's data area will not speed up Stata. Stata will
either have enough memory, or it will not. If it does not, you will
get an error when it tries to store something in memory for which there
is not room.

Once you have given Stata enough memory, giving it even more than that
can be counterproductive. The more memory you allocate to Stata, the
more risk you incur of causing the operating system to start swapping
that memory to the hard disk, which will greatly slow down Stata.

If Stata only needs 250 MB (for example) to load your data and perform
your analyses, then you should only allocate 250 MB to it. Allocating
1 GB to it will not help and may actually slow down Stata.

Thank Allan, I was completely unaware of this.


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