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Re: st: Stata and memory use under linux (Off topic)

From   Russell Dimond <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata and memory use under linux (Off topic)
Date   Fri, 07 Jan 2005 12:02:10 -0600

I think you nailed it--your job is computationally intensive.

Stata cannot benefit from more memory than it actually needs. Back in the day, Stata often needed what was at that point a lot of RAM, which is probably where you got the impression that RAM was a bottleneck. But the amount of RAM installed in a typical computer increased far more quickly that the size of the typical data set, so that's much less likely to be an issue now.

When it comes to making computations, it's the CPU speed that matters not the RAM. Sounds like your job is doing just fine to me.

Russell Dimond
Research Computing Specialist
Social Science Computing Cooperative
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Guillaume Frechette wrote:

Dear Statalisters who know about linux: I am running a long and computationaly intensive do file in Stata (it uses gllamm). When I use the top or ps commands I notice that 99% of cpu usage is dedicated to stata but only 0.9% of memory. Am I doing something wrong? Does that mean the cpu is the bottleneck (I thought RAM was more often than not the bottleneck)?



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