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Re: st: if/else command

From   Ronán Conroy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: if/else command
Date   Thu, 06 Jan 2005 15:28:06 +0000

Ulrich Kohler wrote:

Moreover, in SPSS "generating" and "replacing" can be done with the same
command. In Stata there are two. -generate- generates a new variable,
-replace- changes the contents of an existing variable. You cannot generate a
non-existing variable with -replace-.

All togheter what you want might be something like this:

gen age = 22 if age <= 5 & certification == 1 ;
replace age = 30 if age >= 6 & age <= 15 & certification == 1 ;
replace age = 40 if age >= 16 & age <= 20 & certification == 1 ;
replace age = 50 if age > 20 & certification == 1 ;


Another solution is to use -recode-, which is less prolix

gen age_group=age
recode age_group [recoding rules omitted] if certification==1
recode age_group [recoding rules omitted] if certification==2

Beware of the line replace age = 50 if age > 20 & certification == 1
If age is missing, the condition (age > 20) is true.

I always suffix lines with

if ~missing(variable_being_manipulated)

even when I know it has no missing values. Natural gloom, I suppose.
Ronan M Conroy ([email protected]) Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics Royal College of Surgeons Dublin 2, Ireland +353 1 402 2431 (fax 2764) -------------------- Just say no to drug reps

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