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st: pooled analysis of median survival

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: pooled analysis of median survival
Date   Mon, 03 Jan 2005 07:59:37 -0800

I am conducting a meta-analysis of survival time. Pooling in survival rates at t=1 is straightforward using the metan command for relative risk of survival. However, what about pooling median survival times?

I have thought of creating a table of ordered failure times, treating individual studies as if they were patients in a trial, and then comparing them using the log rank test. Or, calculating the mean and confidence interval of the median survival times for each trial, and simply reporting those without a statistical test. In my data I have each treatment group in each trial:

| id med1 med0 |
| 43 10.2 5.3 |
| 153 13.2 8.5 |
| 232 26 15 |
| 274 11 7 |

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