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Re: st: assigning a name to the output of the "count"

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: assigning a name to the output of the "count"
Date   Sat, 01 Jan 2005 17:51:39 -0500

At 05:37 PM 1/1/2005 -0500, sarah smith wrote:
Dear Stata users,

I would like to count the number of missing observations in a variable
-var1- of my dataset and perform cetain operations based on the count.
To do this I entered
count if var1 == .
and  I get a number, lets say 40: However, when I wanted to compare
the output of count (here 40) with another number such that:
if count <=50 {....

I receive error message saying that stata could not find count. How
can I assign a name to the output of the count command?

thanks a lot
If you do -return list- after the -count- command, you'll see that the value computed by -count- is stored in r(N). So, do something like

count if missing(var1)
if r(N) <= 50 {...

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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