What version of tabi and Stata are you running, Marcello?
I get:
.. tabi 27879 35177 29377 17201 \ 118 187 183 65, e chi2
| col
row | 1 2 3 4 | Total
1 | 27,879 35,177 29,377 17,201 | 109,634
2 | 118 187 183 65 | 553
Total | 27,997 35,364 29,560 17,266 | 110,187
Pearson chi2(3) = 17.7073 Pr = 0.001
Fisher's exact = 1.000
I'm with Thomas on this one. I ran it this morning and got the above
results. Then I did an update all (there is a Dec. 20 update for those who
haven't noticed) and again got the above results.