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st: Re: Iterative regression runs

From   "Jelmer Ypma" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Re: Iterative regression runs
Date   Wed, 22 Dec 2004 00:40:07 -0800

I'm a relatively new Stata user with a simple question. I want to iteratively run a regression that allows a dummy variable to change value (compared to the value of a reference variable called "spread") and append some of the results of each run to a table/matrix.

This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do (never mind what it's supposed to mean):

Forvalues i=1(0.5)5 {
gen dummy = (spread>`i')
reg y x dummy
here I want to append the value of i and the AIC to a (i,2) matrix so I can look at the results later and pick out the value of i that is min(AIC)

This would seem to be a simple thing, but the loop stops after the first iteration with the message "dummy already defined."
This error message means that you're trying to generate a variable which already exists. Try
-gen x = 1
and then
-gen x = 2
you get the same error message.

There are (at least) two things you can do, depending on whether you want to look at the dummy variable later.

Generate different dummies:
forvalues i=1(0.5)5 {
gen dummy`i' = (spread>`i')
reg y x dummy`i'

or make it a temporary variable
forvalues i=1(0.5)5 {
tempvar dummy
gen `dummy' = (spread>`i')
reg y x `dummy'

Don't forget the quotes around `dummy' in that case.

Good luck!


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