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Re: st: a problem with an ado file (colelms)

From   jean ries <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: a problem with an ado file (colelms)
Date   Tue, 21 Dec 2004 18:42:02 +0100


I think that there are two versions of -gam- available: one from STB, and one from SSC (which is more recent). You are probably using the STB version. Just delete the already installed gam-files, and install the SSC version. You can get the SSC version by typing the following commands:

. ssc desc gam
. net get gam

Good luck!


juan luna wrote:

Dear all:
I’m running “COLELMS ado” to compute age-dependent reference limits for
height and weight; when I run the following command:

colelms talla, agegroup(edadc4) sex(sexo)

I get the following message error:

“GAMFIT failure, $.out not found
file $.out not found

can anyone help me?
I know that colelms calls to gam (this in another ado which “creates the
necessary input files for use by a version of the Fortran program GAMFIT,
written by Trevor Hastie & Robert Tibshirani, and runs the program”) but I
can’t find the way to proportionate the output file which seems to need
can anyone help me?

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