From | Richard Williams <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Drawing multiple samples from a normal distribution |
Date | Tue, 21 Dec 2004 11:22:27 -0500 |
At 10:48 AM 12/21/2004 -0500, Joseph Cordes wrote:
I want to give my class a simple exercise in which each student is given a different sample that is drawn from the same normal distribution with a known mean and standard deviation, and then is asked to (a) calculate the sample mean, (b) do the standard inferences about the population mean from their estimate, (c) graph the different estimates of the sample mean produced in the class, and (d) reproduce the exercise with increasing sample size to demonstrate the notion of a consistent estimator.First off, note that -set- needs to be lower case. In the above, it appears you are actually creating 25 different variables with the same mean and SD. If that is your goal, then try something like
My question is not about (a)-(d), but about how to create the samples. Am I correct that I could do this by using the following commands?
Set obs #
drawnorm sample1, mean(M) sds(sd)
and then simply repeating this command substituting sample2, sample3, etc. in for sample 1 to generate (in my case) 25 different samples?
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