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Re: st: RE: Label instead of var names in a matrix

From   "Herve STOLOWY" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE: Label instead of var names in a matrix
Date   Thu, 16 Dec 2004 20:41:35 +0100

Dear Nick:

First of all, thank you again for your help. I am a real beginner with
programming and matrices. So, I do understand that my coding is not
"clean" at all. 

I tried to implement what you suggest. It partly works, in the sense
that, treating three variables, I get the label for the first two but
not for the last one (where I get the var name). I checked that the
label is available in the data and there is no doubt.

Here is my coding:

capture erase statdes.txt
foreach var of varlist size1 lev2 sales_int3 {
qui summarize `var'
loc N = r(N)
loc mean = r(mean)
loc sd = r(sd)
sktest `var' 
loc adj_chi2= r(chi2)
loc prob_chi2=r(P_chi2)
matrix statdes = (`N', `mean', `sd', `adj_chi2', `prob_chi2')
local label : variable label `var'
capture matrix rownames statdes =  `label'
if _rc{
matrix rownames statdes = `var'
matrix colnames statdes = N mean sd chi2 Prob(chi2)
mat2txt, matrix(statdes) saving(statdes) append

(I did not follow all your suggestions because I did not understand all
of them. I replaced -univar- by -summarize- and inserted the few lines
concerning the row names).

If what I am asking exceeds the scope of the StataList, please don't
hesitate to tell me because I do feel that I am taking a lot of your

Best regards


HEC Paris
D�partement Comptabilit� Contr�le de gestion / Dept of Accounting and
Management Control
1, rue de la Liberation
78351 - Jouy-en-Josas
Tel: +33 1 39 67 94 42
Fax: +33 1 39 67 70 86
[email protected]
>>> [email protected] 12/15/04 10:48 PM >>>
First, -univar- is doing nothing 
useful here that -summarize- cannot 
do directly, so cut out the middle 

Second, there is a lot of file i/o 
here that can be cut down. The 
writing to file can be done just
once, outside the loop. [Code 
not shown.] 

On your main point, the line 

	matrix rownames statdes = `var'

can be replaced roughly like this: 

	local label : variable label `var' 
	capture matrix rownames statdes = `label' 
	if _rc { 
		matrix rownames statdes = `var' 

but a good way to go is build up your 
matrix vector by vector, in addition 
to all this. 

capture erase statdes.txt
foreach var of varlist size1 lev2 {
	qui su `var'
	loc N = r(N)
	loc mean = r(mean)
	loc sd = r(sd)
	sktest `var' 
	loc chi2= r(chi2)
	loc adj_chi2=r(P_chi2)
	matrix statdes = (`N', `mean', `sd', `chi2', `adj_chi2')
	matrix rownames statdes = `var'
	matrix colnames statdes = N mean sd chi2 Prob(chi2)
	mat2txt, matrix(statdes) saving(statdes) append

[email protected] 

> I apply the following code to obtain a matrix with descriptive
> statistics and transform it in a .txt (then Excel) file.
> capture erase statdes.txt
> foreach var of varlist size1 lev2 {
> univar `var'
> loc N = r(N)
> loc mean = r(mean)
> loc sd = r(sd)
> sktest `var' 
> loc chi2= r(chi2)
> loc adj_chi2=r(P_chi2)
> matrix statdes = (`N', `mean', `sd', `chi2', `adj_chi2')
> matrix rownames statdes = `var'
> matrix colnames statdes = N mean sd chi2 Prob(chi2)
> mat2txt, matrix(statdes) saving(statdes) append
> It works.
> In the rownames, I get the var names (size1, lev2). However, I would
> prefer to get the label names (Size and Leverage). Is there a 
> way to do
> this?

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