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st: RE: Re: sorting a string variable, but not alphabetically

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: sorting a string variable, but not alphabetically
Date   Wed, 15 Dec 2004 23:18:53 -0000

But you can do this, even though Michael's main point 
remains spot on. You just need to use a mechanism for 
interpreting your input as labels in a particular order 
defining a sorting variable. 

. l

     |      var1 |
  1. | two names |
  2. |      bird |
  3. |       cat |
  4. |       dog |
  5. |     mouse |

. mystringsort var1 cat dog

. l

     |      var1 |
  1. |       cat |
  2. |       dog |
  3. |      bird |
  4. | two names |
  5. |     mouse |

. mystringsort var1 "two names"

Here is a sketch: 

program mystringsort 
	version 8 
	gettoken varname 0 : 0 
	capture confirm string var `varname' 
	if _rc { 
		di as err "`varname' should be a string variable" 
		exit 198 

	tempvar encoded 
	tempname lblname
	local i = 1 
	foreach w of local 0 { 
		label def `lblname' `i++' `"`w'"', modify 

	encode `varname', gen(`encoded') label(`lblname') 
	sort `encoded' 

So you must specify 

1. the variable name 
2. the order of items 

noting that 

3. items with embedded spaces need " " 
4. this is going to be literal 
5. things not specified go to end. 

[email protected] 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of 
> Sent: 15 December 2004 22:52
> To: Stata _
> Subject: st: Re: sorting a string variable, but not alphabetically
> Joseph,
> I would be happy to transpose using sxpose, but if sxpose is 
> simply the 
> string version of xpose, it won't do the trick because it 
> wouldn't make 
> the animals into variables. I.e. transposing would generate:
> var1     var2 var3 var4
> animals  dog  cat  mouse
> ID       5     10    4
> instead of what I would want, which would be
> animals  dog  cat  mouse
> ID       5     10    4
> where the first row is the row of variable names. 
> Michael, it seems like your suggestion is the only feasible 
> one, though 
> I guess I would have preferred to be able to simply list the string 
> values in desired order to execute the command. Meaning, I would have 
> liked to do something like:
> -some command- animals -some other command- cat mouse dog
> Thanks to both of you,
> Tewodaj
> Message: 7         
>    Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 11:10:55 -0500
>    From: "Michael Blasnik" <[email protected]>
> Subject: st: Re: sorting a string variable, but not alphabetically
> It is not completely clear how you will get around typing the 
> full list 
> in 
> the order you want them to get the new sorting variable created.  I 
> would 
> suggest that you define a value label with the ordering you want and 
> then 
> use the label option of the encode command:
> label define animals 1"cat" 2"mouse" 3"dog" ...
> encode animals, gen(animal2) label(animal)
> If there is some other way to get the observations in the desired 
> order, 
> then you may want to check out -sencode- (type findit sencode).
> Michael Blasnik
> [email protected]
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "TEWODAJ MOGUES" <[email protected]>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:51 AM
> Subject: st: sorting a string variable, but not alphabetically
> > Hi Statalisters,
> >
> > I have a question about how to sort by a string variable in a
> > particular way. Suppose the data looks like:
> >
> > animals    ID
> > dog        5
> > cat        10
> > mouse      4
> >
> > Suppose I want to sort by -animals- such that the first 
> observation is
> > cat, the 2nd is mouse, the 3rd dog. Is there a command that may look
> > something like:
> >
> > sort animals [some command] cat mouse dog  ?
> >
> > I have used some roundabout ways to deal with this, specifically
> > (suppose ID has unique observations) I generated another variable by
> > which I sorted by, i.e.
> >
> > recode ID 10=1 4=2 5=3, gen(sortvar)
> > sort sortvar
> >
> > but this is not a great solution given that I have some 800
> > observations and it is also not generalisable in the sense 
> that if the
> > data gets modified so that the assigned ID for each animal 
> changes, I
> > have to rewrite the -recode- command. I also considered transposing 
> the
> > data then ordering the animal variables but I couldn't find a way to
> > make stata transpose and use as its new variables the 
> observations of
> > -animals-
> >

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