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st: RE: 3 D Diagram

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: 3 D Diagram
Date   Wed, 8 Dec 2004 19:24:42 -0000

The short answer is that there's very little. 

By "structure" here I think you mean -surface- 
by Adrian Mander. A web search shows that
many people have hit the same problem. -surface-
is not general enough to do what people expect, 
and that is no criticism of the author, as 
people here expect quite a lot. 

An alternative that comes to mind is -scat3- 
from SSC. However, the author wrote 
on 15 Sept 2004 

-scat3- is a port to Stata 8 of a program -gr3- 
by Bill Gould which offers crude 3-dimensional 
graphics (his words, and mine too). Neither 
contours, nor perspective (wireframe) views, are 
produced, but projections of 3D scatter plots 
on to a plane. 

-gr3- was published in STB-2 in 1991 and 
revised in STB-12 in 1993. It has been (partially) 
broken since Stata 3.1 (although the work-around 
for that was not difficult) and it always had 
a small but noticeable cosmetic problem of 
marginal axis labels and ticks which needed 
Stage to be employed for removal. (Stage was 
the Stata Techies' Amiable Graph Editor, or 
some similar acronym or abbreviation.) 

Porting this was a lot of fun, re-discovering 
the syntax of Stata 2.1 and wondering how best
to map the clever Gould tricks of 1991 into 
mundane version 8 -graph- tricks of 2004. 

Be assured that having ported this, I have 
no plans to add any major bells or whistles, 
but it is there for play if it suits. I 
guess that Bill would say the same.

and I gather that's all still true. In other 
words, if it doesn't suit, there are no 
special tricks undocumented or extensions 
in the pipeline for -scat3-. And "no" 
means that. 

[email protected] 

> Does anybody know of options to draw 3D diagrams?
> I know of structure however i get the following error
> message:
> xlines not found

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