Yes. -rensfix- by Stephen Jenkins and myself
is a deliberately created sibling (STB-59).
A more general command yet capable of doing
this, what -renpfix- does, and much more is
-renvars- from Jeroen Weesie and myself
Having said that, minimalists and despisers
of ad hoc tools would want to mention the
use of -foreach- here:
foreach v of var *_ja {
local new : subinstr local v "_ja" "_1"'
rename `v' `new'
foreach v of var *_ja {
rename `v' `: subinstr local v "_ja" "_1"'
foreach v of var *_fe {
rename `v' `: subinstr local v "_ja" "_2"'
In other words, you can knit your own replacements
in one move on the fly.
Jeroen Weesie I think has mixed feelings about
-renvars- given the existence of -foreach-.
I feel somewhat the same way, but guess that there
are users who might like -renvars- but
who draw the line at working out their own macro
manipulations each time they have problems like this.
[email protected]
Danielle Ferry
> Is there a command similar to <renpfix> where instead it renames all
> variables that END with old_stub to END with new_stub? If not, can
> anyone suggest a relatively easy way of doing this for a
> large number
> of variables that all end with the same stub? I.e., I want to rename
> everything *_ja to *_1 and everything *_fe to *_2, etc. Thanks.
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