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Re: st: The Case of the Disappearing Command

From   Marcello Pagano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: The Case of the Disappearing Command
Date   Sun, 05 Dec 2004 20:31:50 -0500

Tis a function.   Try
di mdy(2,29,2004)

I got   16130


Janet Elise Rosenbaum wrote:

Hello. This morning, I executed the command mdy, which worked.
I continued working with Stata, no unusual events occurred, and
later in the afternoon, I used the command mdy and it didn't work:

unrecognized command: mdy

I did update all, and mdy still doesn't work.

I can certainly write my own mdy function, but I am mostly disturbed by
the fact that the function just disappeared. So the question:
Why did this happen, and how can I prevent commands from disappearing
like this?

Thank you, Encyclopedia Brown!


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