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st: Re: xtsum and reporting

From   "Michael Blasnik" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Re: xtsum and reporting
Date   Tue, 30 Nov 2004 09:10:24 -0500

I think -tabstat- may do what you want. Perhaps something like this:

tabstat var1 var2 var3 var4 ... varn, stats(n mean sd min max) by(country) col(stat) longstub

You can also check out the recently expanded -tabout- available through SSC. I haven't used it much yet for summary stats, but I think it may prove useful to you if you want output written to a file for exporting.

Michael Blasnik

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrea Molinari" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 8:49 AM
Subject: st: xtsum and reporting

Dear Statalisters,

I am in the process of summarising my data, and was wondering if anyone
knows a way of making a table with the criteria stated in the by

For example, I need to report a table for each variable with its mean,
its std. deviation, min and max, and #obs. per country and year (or per
year, depending on the variable).

I\'m sure there should be a much better way than loading the log file in
excel and taking value by value!

Many thanks in advance,

Andrea Molinari
PhD in Economics student
University of Sussex
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