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st: RE: Using the word "From" at the beginning of the sentence [was: Modelling two binary outcomes that are not mutually exclusive by Murray Finkelstein]

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: Using the word "From" at the beginning of the sentence [was: Modelling two binary outcomes that are not mutually exclusive by Murray Finkelstein]
Date   Sat, 27 Nov 2004 19:24:07 -0000

I've seen lines chopped before, including my own, 
but not diagnosed this as one (the?) source of the problem. We'll 
add this to the Statalist FAQ, although I dare say 
it's going to be a bit difficult to remember. It is
difficult enough for people to remember the plain text 


Renzo Comolli replied to Dr. Murray Finkelstein
> In response to your message 
> You can't use the word "From" at the beginning of any 
> sentence otherwise the
> Statalist parser hosted by StataCorp will cut the message at 
> that point,
> split your message in two, delete that line and post two 
> separate messages.
> I surmise that given that you used the word "From" in the very first
> sentence, the parser discarded one of the two pieces as empty.
> I have known this for quite a while, still it is easy to 
> forget. I started
> with "From" just a couple of days ago. So here is an example 
> of what happens
> in general. The following two pieces belong to a posting of 
> mine (there was
> a sentence starting with "From" in the middle)
> This "feature" is the reason why most people put a sign of 
> some sort before
> the "From" when they quote a message in their reply.
> Perhaps this could be added to the Statalist FAQ (if it has 
> not been added already).

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