Thanks to Kit Baum, various packages of mine
have been updated on SSC.
Suppose you want a bunch of scatter
plots in the same graph, but only
a subset of those shown by -graph matrix-.
You could produce them one by one
and then -graph combine-. This can be
speeded up by use of one or two -foreach-
loops, but there is still a case for
a convenience command.
-cpyxplot- has been available on SSC
for some time for this purpose, but
I've only just upgraded it to Stata 8.
The previous version, for Stata 6,
remains available in the same package
as -cpyxplot6-. There is also
a -cpyxplot- for Stata 5 lurking elsewhere
on the internet, on Stata's own website!
Courtesy of Stata 8's new graphics,
-cpyxplot- is a bit more general than the
previous version, but also a shorter program.
It could be taken a starting point for loosely
similar commands.
A pontification about Stata programming
style. Tweaked slightly to match changing
Minor tweak to the help.
Small fix to -regplot.ado- since this was
last discussed on the list.
[email protected]
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