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Re: st: Logistic Regression with Stata

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Logistic Regression with Stata
Date   Sat, 20 Nov 2004 10:25:53 -0500

At 08:15 AM 11/20/2004 -0500, Emmanuel F. Koku wrote:
Good Morning StatListers,

I am new, very new to Stata - just migrating from Spss....
Having made that transition myself, I highly recommend Hamilton's book as an intro to Stata:

I am using Stata version 6.

I need to estimate a logistic regression model, and interested in obtaining
standardized coeffs (betas) and odds ratios. does the logit and logistic
commands give these or there are special macros i need to dowload?
Life might be easier if you had Stata 8. However, hopefully the -spostado- routines of Long and Freese will work for you. Go to

for information about the routines and how to install them. In particular, I think you want their -listcoef- command.

Secondly, I am using this web-book "Logistic Regression with Stata
by Xiao Chen, Phil Ender, Michael Mitchell & Christine Wells" - would it give me
adequate intro to logistic regression modeling in stata?
Another brief introduction to logistic regression with Stata is at

Very good and much more in depth is Long and Freese's book:

Other brief "Stata highlights" are at

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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