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st: RE: Tables, percentage without decimals

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Tables, percentage without decimals
Date   Wed, 17 Nov 2004 11:04:21 -0000

I don't know of a canned way to do 
this in official Stata, but it can 
be approached otherwise. Two 
possibilities are (1) -groups- 
from SSC (2) writing your own program. 

. sysuse auto 

. ssc inst groups 

. groups mpg, show(f p P) format(%6.0f)

  | mpg   Freq.   Percent   Cum. |
  |  12       2         3      3 |
  |  14       6         8     11 |
  |  15       2         3     14 |
  |  16       4         5     19 |
  |  17       4         5     24 |
  |  18       9        12     36 |
  |  19       8        11     47 |
  |  20       3         4     51 |
  |  21       5         7     58 |
  |  22       5         7     65 |
  |  23       3         4     69 |
  |  24       4         5     74 |
  |  25       5         7     81 |
  |  26       3         4     85 |
  |  28       3         4     89 |
  |  29       1         1     91 |
  |  30       2         3     93 |
  |  31       1         1     95 |
  |  34       1         1     96 |
  |  35       2         3     99 |
  |  41       1         1    100 |

-groups- was discussed in excruciating detail in 

Problems with tables, Part II. 
Stata Journal 3(4):420--439 (2003)
reviews three user-written commands (tabcount, makematrix,
and groups) as different approaches to tabulation problems

Knitting a program yourself is also 
possible, and easier than you might think given 
some use of basic Stata and -tabdisp-. Half the 
code needed is already on display at

program michaeltab, sortpreserve
	version 8 
	syntax varname [if] [in] 
	marksample touse, strok 
	tempvar freq pc cumpc 
	bysort `touse' `varlist': gen long `freq' = _N 
	qui count if `touse' 
	gen double `pc' = 100 * `freq' / r(N) 
	by `touse' `varlist' : gen double `cumpc' = `pc' * (_n == 1) 
	qui by `touse' : replace `cumpc' = sum(`cumpc') 
	qui replace `pc' = round(`pc') 
	qui replace `cumpc' = round(`cumpc')
	label var `freq' "Frequency" 
	label var `pc' "Percent" 
	label var `cumpc' "Cum." 
	tabdisp `varlist' if `touse', c(`freq' `pc' `cumpc')

. michaeltab mpg

Mileage   |
(mpg)     |  Frequency     Percent        Cum.
       12 |          2           3           3
       14 |          6           8          11
       15 |          2           3          14
       16 |          4           5          19
       17 |          4           5          24
       18 |          9          12          36
       19 |          8          11          47
       20 |          3           4          51
       21 |          5           7          58
       22 |          5           7          65
       23 |          3           4          69
       24 |          4           5          74
       25 |          5           7          81
       26 |          3           4          85
       28 |          3           4          89
       29 |          1           1          91
       30 |          2           3          93
       31 |          1           1          95
       34 |          1           1          96
       35 |          2           3          99
       41 |          1           1         100

Admittedly, the bottom line is no bottom line 
(with totals). As in another thread, the code
is there for you to modify to taste. 

[email protected] 

Michael and Rita C. Carlberg
> This is probably something easy to solve, but I
> haven't found a solution, looking at FAQ or previous
> messagee to the list.
> I simply want Stata to show the result without
> decimals, when I make a table, for example:
> tabulate fraga16
>    Fraga16 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>           1 |        137       19.97       19.97
>           2 |        353       51.46       71.43
>           3 |         92       13.41       84.84
>           4 |         71       10.35       95.19
>           5 |         20        2.92       98.10
>           9 |         10        1.46       99.56
>         999 |          3        0.44      100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>       Total |        686      100.00
> I want the result to look something like this:
>    Fraga16 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>           1 |        137       20          20
>           2 |        353       51          71
>           3 |         92       13          85
>           4 |         71       10          95
>           5 |         20        3          98
>           9 |         10        1         100
>         999 |          3        0         100
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>       Total |        686      100

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