I encountered the same problem when programming -rfl-.
Here is how I have managed to solve it:
if substr(`"`logstr`=`i'-1''"',-1,1) == "\" {
local cmdlog `cmdlog'\`logstr`i''
else {
local cmdlog `cmdlog'`logstr`i''
This never failed to work properly.
Original message was:
Hi all:
I’m working within the Windows2000 OS and am having trouble getting paths
and filenames stored in local macros properly.
.local pathvar "F:\CELS\"
.local filename "35051403"
.local longname `pathvar'`filename'
.di “`longname’â€
F:\CELS35051403 â†Stata output
The problem is that the final \ gets dropped from the path.
.di "`pathvar'"
Oddly, the initial macro seems to store this correctly
Changing the longname macro construction to...
.local longname `pathvar'`filename'
.di “`longname’â€
...no effect
Any suggestions?
John Wallace | Research Associate | Test Method Development
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