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st: Graphing limitations / questions

From   Fredrik Wallenberg <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Graphing limitations / questions
Date   Thu, 11 Nov 2004 13:11:01 -0800

I have a few graphs that I cannot seem to create using Stata 8.
Perhaps someone could point me in the right direction (or confirm that
it can't be done ... without creating a new dataset).

I have two multiple choice survey questions. I would like to visualize
the combinations of the answers in one out of three ways.

A) Use a scatterplot but use the area of each coordinate dot to
illustrate how many observations there are for that combination. The
best I've done to date is using matrix and scatter, but that doesn't
quite do it.

graph matrix q3_3_4 q3_3_3, half jitter(3) msize(tiny)

B) Use a 3 dimensional histogram (with the two variables and the x and
z axis and the join distribution on the y axis). This can easily be
done in Excel, why not in Stata?

C) use -histogram, by-, BUT get ONE graph, treating the -by- options
as separate variables in the same graph. Once again this seems like a
reasonable thing to do but Stata doesn't have any support for it (that
I can tell).

Of these I can see how I could do A by creating a variable that had,
as the weight, the total count for each combination and then us that
as the aweight. Is there a nicer way?


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