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st: note option in the twoway graph going nuts

From   "Alexand Shepotilo" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: note option in the twoway graph going nuts
Date   Fri, 05 Nov 2004 13:52:21 -0500

Dear statalist users,

I want to place a long note at the bottom of the graph. As said in the
help file, I wrote

note ("First" "Second" "Third"

Stata says "unmatched quote"

If I try to fit the note in two lines

note ("First" "Second")

I get the following :


Finally, if I specify

note ("First" "Second" , orientation (horizontally))

Stata says ") required"

I have wasted an hour tring to fix it but could not. If I do not include
note everything works perfectly.

Here is the actual graph:

twoway (kdensity wtototal  if wtototal<=15&wtototal>=0) (kdensity
wtototal  if a==1&wtototal<=15&wtototal>=0, bfcolor (yellow))  (kdensity
wtototal  if a==10&wtototal<=15&wtototal>=0, bfcolor (red)),
ytitle(Distribution of welfare gains, margin(small)) xtitle(Welfare
gains as a percent of consumption from WTO accession, margin(small))
xlabel(-1(3)15, labsize(small)) xmlabel(-1(1)15, ticks nolabels)
xscale(range(0 15)) title(Figure 3. Distributions of the estimated
welfare gains from Russian WTO accession, size(medsmall)) subtitle("for
the entire sample, the poorest decile,  and the richest decile.", size
(medsmall)) legend(order(1 "all households" 2 "the poorest decile" 3
"the richest decile") size(small)) note ( "Observations in a range from
0% to 15% are shown. Deciles are constructed" "to be representative  of
ten percent of Russian population based on the weights of the Household
Budget Survey", size(vsmall) ) 

Thank you,


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