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st: Merge Question

From   Jason Hwang <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Merge Question
Date   Fri, 5 Nov 2004 13:29:46 -0500 (EST)

Hi there,

I didn't describe very well last time what I wanted to do. Let me try

I have two datasets I'm trying to merge of the following form.


code1	output
1111	100
5555	340


code2	pchange	code1
3431	.5	1111
3431	.5	1111
3450	-.5	1111
3451	.7	1111
9903	.4	5555
9945	.1	5555
9903	.4	5555
9905	-.6	5555
9945	.1	5555

I'm trying to use dataset1 as the original (master) and merge into it
dataset2. Problem: each code1 maps to many code2s. So here's what I would
like to do: for each code1, find a code2 which corresponds to it with the
greatest frequency. So for code1, 1111, I want 3431. For 5555, both 9903
and 9945 occur twice. In this case, I'll just take whichever shows up
first in the sorted list; i.e. 9903.

The final output I'm looking for would be:

code1	code2	output	pchange
1111	3431	100	.5
5555	9903	340	.4

Could some one how to write a code for this procedure? Thank you very

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