On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 14:05, Wenhui Wei wrote:
> hi, May, thanks a lot for your quick response.
> I read your response, and as far as I understand, you're testing the
> difference of marginal effects for (for =0) and (for=1). However,
> given that (for =0) is the base level, I'm getting marginal effects
> for (for =1), and I'm interested in whether the two marginal effects
> are different.
> In my case, I first run the model:
> biprobit y1 y2 othervar for
> the following command tests whther the coeffecients for (for =1 ) are
> significant different.
> test [y1]for = [y2]for
> However, since the probit coefficients are hard to interpret, I need
> the marginal effects, by typing:
> (a) mfx compute, predict(pmarg1)
> (b) mfx compute, predict(pmarg2)
> My question is: how to test the marginal effect of (for=1) from (a) is
> significant from
> that from (b).
OK. We can use the same method, that is, collect the information from
each call to -mfx-, save in e() results and use -test-. I have pasted
the cdoe for that beow.
But since we are using -biprobit-, it is easy to differentiate the
probability functions by hand, and so we can also achieve our objective
using -testnl-, without using -mfx- at all.
sysuse auto
set seed 12345
gen y1=uniform()>0.5
gen y2=uniform()>0.5
biprobit y1 y2 mpg for
local xb1 "[y1]_b[mpg]*20+[y1]_b[for]*1+[y1]_b[_cons]"
local xb2 "[y2]_b[mpg]*20+[y2]_b[for]*1+[y2]_b[_cons]"
testnl normden(`xb1')*[y1]_b[mpg]=normden(`xb2')*[y2]_b[mpg]
I have used local macros to store the linear predictors, xb1 and xb2,
to make the code a little easier to read. I am finding the marginal
effects at mpg=20 and for=1.
The expression normden(`xb1')*[y1]_b[mpg] is the derivative
of the pmarg1=norm(xb1), since the derivative of norm is normden (and
the extra [y1]_b[mpg] comes from using the chain rule).
The can compare the above code using analytic derivatives to
the answer given by -mfx- using numerical derviaties:
sysuse auto
set seed 12345
gen y1=uniform()>0.5
gen y2=uniform()>0.5
biprobit y1 y2 mpg for
matrix A1=(20, 1)
mfx, predict(pmarg1) var(mpg) at(A1) tr(2)
mat m1=e(Xmfx_dydx)
mat D1=(.38728114, -.00009023, -.00009023, 0, 0, 0, 0)
mfx, predict(pmarg2) var(mpg) at(A1) tr(2)
mat m2=e(Xmfx_dydx)
mat D2= (0, 0, 0, .34408008, -.00231321, -.00231321, 0)
mat D=D1\D2
mat list D
mat V=e(V)
mat COV=D*V*D'
mat rownames COV = m1 m2
mat colnames COV = m1 m2
mat list COV
mat b=[m1[1,1],m2[1,1]]
mat colnames b = m1 m2
mat list b
eret post b COV
eret display
mat list e(b)
mat list e(V)
test _b[m1]=_b[m2]
[email protected]
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