Hi Michael,
you might want to try the ado "rdrr" which you can not download from SSC but at
It estimates risk-ratios, -differences etc. after regression and the helpfile states that it also
works after gllamm.
Once you know what went wrong with your nlcom command I would be very interested to know, because I
would like to compare results of rdrr and nlcom and also have problems figuring out the correct
Regards, Elmar
: Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 10:32:58 +0100
: From: Michael Ingre <[email protected]>
: Subject: st: RRR with CI from logit model
: Dear list
: I have estimated a logit model and would like to present Relative Risk
: Ratios (RRR) comparing the risk at different levels of a scale used as
: a covariate in the model. Odds Ratios are easily calculated with
: - -lincom-. RRRs are also easily calculated by just taking the ratio
: between predicted probabilities for different levels of the scale. It
: is also quite straight forward to calculate a confidence interval of
: the predicted probabilities. But how do I calculate Confidence
: Intervals of the risk ratios?
: Thanks
: Michael
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