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Re: st: SSC activity, October 2004

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: SSC activity, October 2004
Date   Tue, 2 Nov 2004 08:39:49 -0500


I was going to refer you to my earlier postings to Statalist on this matter, but I find that postings earlier than 2001 are inaccessible from either Harvard or Yahoo links. The issue, as I alluded below, refers to how one credits an archive access to multiple authors (my method there is just to credit each author with the access) and how one deals with multiple-ado packages. What is counted by the web server log is the access of one ado-file. Many packages have multiple ado-files. It would seem that every successful installation of a package should include N hits for N ado-files, as you suggest; but some people don't use 'ssc' to do this--they use a web browser, and in doing so are free to view one .ado without viewing another. Also, if only some of the ado-files in a package have changed, Stata will only download those that are needed. For these reasons, the 'npkghit' indeed can be non-integer. The relevant code from the processing routine is:

sort author package
gen npkghit=nhit/nmods
collapse (sum) npkghit,by( author package)
gsort -npkghit

where 'nhits' is the number of ado-file downloads, 'nmods' is the number of ados per package.


Kit Baum, Boston College Economics

On Nov 2, 2004, at 6:31 AM, Roger Harbord wrote:

Hi Kit,

Purely out of curiousity, how do you calculate "npkhit" ? In particular why is it not always an integer? Did someone download 3/5ths of -metareg- then lose their connection or were they part-way through downloading as your clock struck midnight on Halloween??

Many thanks for compiling this by the way. I'm not interested in my rank but it is useful to know how many people have downloaded my package.

Best wishes,

Roger Harbord
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol

--On 01 November 2004 13:32 -0500 Kit Baum <[email protected]> wrote:

There were over 30,000 ado-file downloads from the SSC archive in October
2004. These represent the works placed in the archive by 150 members of the
Stata user community.

As always, the 'ssc' command should be used to download these items properly
from the archive.

npkghit author package
1. 413.00 David Roodman XTABOND2
2. 368.57 Sophia Rabe-Hesketh GLLAMM
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