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st: speed improvement on linux network

From   Lars Korsholm <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: speed improvement on linux network
Date   Wed, 27 Oct 2004 19:05:15 +0200 (CEST)


The subject is the slow preformance of stata, in particular graphics, over 
a network.

In regard to a previus post

where it is suggested to copy /usr/local/stata8/ado/base and updates to

I think this can be improved on.

We run a linux network with 6 machines and a central server where stata is 
installed. Also in our case the personal files are there, but that is not 
important for my remark.

To my opinion one of the main benefits of such a network is that you can 
start a stata job on any mashine, usually you local mashine or the server, 
but also sometimes on the mashine in your colleges office when you run 
large job at night or whatever. 

A solution that take these situations into acount as well
is to have your system administartor keeping a syncronized copy of BASE 
and UPDATES on each local mashine e.g. 

(on the server one create these directories as symbolic links to origin)

and then put
sysdir set BASE /mnt/freespace/stata/base 
sysdir set UPDATES /mnt/freespace/stata/updates
in everybodies

then on whatever mashine in our network I may want to start stata I'll 
have optimum preformance.

nice and simple :-)

and offcource you make the syncronization part of the automatic update 
procedure that you can run in linux ;-) so at the end of the day the 
solution is maintainment free!

Best regard 

PS Maybee stata should make something like this or
part of the instalation guide for linux.

: Lars Korsholm Ph.D.,                     :
:  Department of Statistics                :
:  University of Southern Denmark          :
:  Sdr. Boulevard 23A, 2.                  :
:  DK-5000 Odense C                        :
:  Denmark                                 :
: Phone   +45 6550 3608                    :
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