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st: bootstrapping ado files that use the post estimation b

From   "Schonlau, Matthias" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: bootstrapping ado files that use the post estimation b
Date   Tue, 26 Oct 2004 21:36:46 -0700

Hallo Stata-listers!

bootstrapping ado files that use _b  (post estimation)

I am having difficulties running  bootstrap on a self-written 
ado file "test1" that uses _b (post estimation). The code for "test1" is below (the
 real ado is more complicated , this is just the skeleton)

I would like to run this as follows

logistic y x1-x5
test1 x1-x5 

test1   uses the _b[varname] and _se[varname]. 
I would now like to bootstrap this function:

bs "test1 x1 "  "r(rr1)", trace

I get the following error:
 	      - local coef= uniform() * _b[`z']
              = local coef= uniform() * _b[v1female]
no variables defined

The problem is that the bootstrap does not recodnize the _b and _se from the 
logistic regression.

Is there a way of telling the bootstrap to use the estimation 
results from logistic regression?




program define test1, rclass
	version 8.0
	syntax varlist

	local k : word count `varlist'
	tokenize "`varlist'"

	forval i = 1 / `k' { 
		local z="``i''" 
		di "`z'"
		local coef= uniform() *  _b[`z']
		local se= uniform() *  _se[`z']
		return scalar coef`i'= `coef'

Matthias Schonlau
Statistician, RAND


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