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  sysuse auto
  kdensity price , w(1000) gen(x fx)
  su price x


[email protected] wrote: -----

>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 22:13:11 -0400
>From: "Camelia Minoiu"
>Subject: st: Default range for 'kdensity'
>Dear All,
>I have a short question about -kdensity-. What is the default
>interval in
>which the points of estimation are chosen? It does not appear to be
>[min,max] where min=the minimum observed value in the data, and max=
>maximum observed value in the data; rather, it appears to be slightly
>an interval. (I have been unable to find this information in the
>documentation.) What is the exact rule which chooses the limits of
>(default) range?
>Thank you for your support.
>Camelia Minoiu
>Ph.D. Student
>Dept. of Economics
>Columbia University

Dr. Philippe Van Kerm
IRISS - Integrated Research Infrastructure in the
Socio-Economic Sciences
BP48, L-4501 Differdange, Luxembourg
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