Dear All,
I would like to estimate an ordered probit with a balanced panel of 3-4 waves. When I understand the handbook correctly, there is no xt-command for that purpose, and svyoprobit applies to a cross section only . Oprobit with clustering of individuals is no alternative either as the cluster option does not take into account the 'direction' of the 'correlation'. Besides gllamm, is there another alternative ?
Any suggestions are welcome.
Yours sincerely,
Justina Fischer
P.S: I know that I have posted a similar question one year ago, but there were only 2 waves available at that time. So I could apply oprobit, cluster(id) in that case.
Dipl.Vw. Justina A.V. Fischer,
Research Associate
SIAW - University of St. Gallen
Bodanstr. 8
CH-9000 St. Gallen
Tel.:++41-71-224 2345
Fax: ++41-71-224 2298