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st: RE: length(s) question

From   "McCrary, Joseph" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: length(s) question
Date   Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:54:34 -0400

Don't use long as the name of the variable that you're using. Long is a variable type, so STATA is looking for a valid variable name.

. gen long=length( district_name)
too few variables specified

. gen str long=length( district_name)
too few variables specified

. gen xxyy=length( district_name)

. tab xxyy

       xxyy |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 |          8        0.15        0.15
          2 |          1        0.02        0.17
          3 |         10        0.19        0.36
          4 |         21        0.40        0.76
          5 |         48        0.91        1.67
          6 |        112        2.13        3.80
          7 |        138        2.62        6.42
          8 |        124        2.36        8.78
          9 |        151        2.87       11.65
         10 |        216        4.10       15.75
         11 |        347        6.59       22.34
         12 |        223        4.24       26.58
         13 |        237        4.50       31.08
         14 |        267        5.07       36.16
         15 |        220        4.18       40.34
         16 |        137        2.60       42.94
         17 |        142        2.70       45.64
         18 |         83        1.58       47.22
         19 |        135        2.57       49.78
         20 |        141        2.68       52.46
         21 |        197        3.74       56.20

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Julia A. Gamas
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 4:48 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: length(s) question

Dear all,

I am trying to determine the length of a string variable because this length
changes in each observation and I want to work with substr, so I need the
variable to be the same size accross observations.  But I'm getting an error
message that I simply don't understand how to fix.

I write:  generate long = length (vp40_11), vp40_11 is the string varible
whose length I want.
Error message reads:  "too few variables specification","r(102)"
However, the help section says to write
"generate varname = exp" and exp in this case is length (s), where "s" is
the string variable.

So I can't really understand which variable is missing.  Can anybody help me

Julia A. Gamas
Program on Urban, Regional and Global Air Pollution
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue 54-1823
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-258-0230
Email: [email protected]

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