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st: st:RE: RE: graph syntax and dialog box

From   Blau Blau <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: st:RE: RE: graph syntax and dialog box
Date   Mon, 25 Oct 2004 15:53:34 +0200 (CEST)

Yes, it was my question. Translate commands for the graph from a dofile to the dialog box.
If it is possible it will be much more easier to make changes in existing graphs, especially for people, which are not quite familliar with graph syntax.
But it might be possible sometimes in the future.
Thanks and best Tomas

Tomas Katrnak, Ph.D.
Masaryk University
School of Social Studies
Department of Sociology
Gork�ho 7
Brno 602 00
tel. 00420 5 49 49 4025
fax. 00420 549 49 1920
email: [email protected]

>From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: graph syntax and dialog box
Date   Thu, 21 Oct 2004 11:30:41 +0100


The only way to get syntax into a dialog box
that I know is to type it, at least in the first instance.
If you make use of the "Submit" feature, you can cut down on retyping.

I am not sure what other way you had in mind. If
you were imagining that you could take e.g. a .do
file containing a command and ask Stata to use
that file to populate a dialog box, then I'll just
say that would seem a somewhat challenging programming

[email protected]

Blau Blau (a.k.a. Tomas)

> if I have a syntax for any graph, is it possible to get this
> syntax into dialog box which is offered for this graph? For
> instance it works in the other way round: I will make the
> graph via dialog box and get the syntax for it (for later
> work with this graph or for corrections).
> But when I have the syntax for graph and want to have a look
> how it is inputed via dialog box in Stata, or I want to
> repair it via dialog box, I do not know how to do it. Is it
> possible to do it?

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