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Re: st: using datasets from stata examples

From   "Dev Vencappa" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: using datasets from stata examples
Date   Mon, 25 Oct 2004 12:32:40 +0100

Stata users,
 sorry for the querry. I think I found it.

sorry for the bother


>>> [email protected] 25/10/04 12:28:47 >>>
Stata users, 
  I was wondering if anybody has ever written a program that can be used as a shortcut to download the datasets that are used in the stata manuals instead of typing the whole line. It seems to me that most example datasets in the manuals have the following as common: 

followed by whatever data set one wants to download as specified in the manual. If anybody has ever written anything that just calls the data set using a simple command such as:

usedata nmihs

where nmihs is the example data set.

could you please point me to the command? If not, how easy would it be to write this and store in my personal ado file? 

Many thanks

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