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Re: st: data manipulating question

From   Phuong Lan Nguyen <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: data manipulating question
Date   Fri, 22 Oct 2004 17:48:16 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Clive,

I forgot to mention that I used reshape command but then my sample size has increased to 3 times as new variable. That means, I have 3 values for every single household. I do not want to change sample size. I just want to have exact number of cases as before I do reshape. so what is the next step for getting that variable?


On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, Clive Nicholas wrote:

Phuong Lan Nguyen wrote:

I have a question about stata program and I hope you are able to help me.
have a series of numeric variables and want to group them into 1
variable. Details of my data is

 	var1		var2		var3
 	x		y		z

3 variables indicates 3 code of teaching experience of teachers. Now i
want to
group them into 1 variable:

 	new variable
var1 	x
var2	y
var3	z

What command should I use to transform these variables?
If I were a betting man, I'd say -reshape- ought to do the job. Here's my

(1) Create a new column, place it to the extreme left and give that cell a
   name (let's call it -ugg-);

(2) Then:
   . reshape long new, i(ugg) j(var)

If I have it the right way around, that ought to do it.

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Phuong Lan Nguyen
Department of Sociology
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