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Re: st: test for trend with svy commands?

From   Stas Kolenikov <>
Subject   Re: st: test for trend with svy commands?
Date   Thu, 21 Oct 2004 17:33:36 -0400

> > Also, wouldn't I do svylogit instead of svyreg since my
> > outcome is binary (0,1)?

Besides, if the proportion of males varies between say 48% and 53%,
you won't see any difference between probit and linear regression
results, except for scaling of the coefficients (which is related to
the standard deviation of the regression error that is fixed at 1 for
probit, and is approximately 1/2 for the above proportions). True,
your variable is 0/1, but when you want a propotion of males, you do
something like a sum, right? (-svymean- or -svyprop-). Sum is a linear
operation, and thus it corresponds to -svyreg- rather than

Stas Kolenikov
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