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Re: st: Lorenz Curve

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Lorenz Curve
Date   Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:30:03 +0200


I guess you should provide more information. It is hard to make any useful
suggestion otherwise. E.g.

- What command are you using for drawing your Lorenz curve? (There exist no
official command and more than one user-written commands for doing that.)

- How does your education variable look like? (categorical? in years? stg

- how are "no-schooling" people coded? (missing? zero?)

- what's the fraction of people with no schooling

- how does your resulting graph look like?

- ...


>Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:29:15 -0400
>From: Sibel Selcuk
>Subject: st: Lorenz Curve
>Hi everyone,
>I'm trying to create a Lorenz curve for education data using the
>command for lorenz curve. However, the resulting graph doesn't seem
>to be
>right as I expect the education Lorenz curve to be truncated along
>horizontal axis because of the individuals with no schooling in my
>Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

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